Kington St Michael Church of England Primary School

Learning Together, aiming high

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Being a Church school

"The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Kington St Michael CE VC Primary School as a Church of England school are outstanding."

SIAMS report Jan 2024

Keep your roots deep in him,

build your lives on him, 

and become stronger in your faith.


Colossians 2.7

We are part of the Church of England and we include the church, and people who work with the church, in our school family.  We visit the church regularly and involve people who work with the church in our worship.  We also use the church building as an important part of our local history studies.


"Kington St Michael is a warm and welcoming Christian community. The school creates a secure inclusive Christian environment in which all children are cherished and highly valued in line with the core Christian belief that each is unique and made by God to be ‘special, equal but different’. Children say that understanding their own special qualities and attributes boosts their self- confidence and self- worth. This, in turn, ‘motivates them to live up to the expectations they have been given’ by their teachers. The school’s distinctive Christian character has a significant impact on children’s high academic achievement and attendance. Christian values are embedded in the daily life of the school.

(Church School Inspection Report, Oct 2016)



Kington St. Michael Church of England Primary School

Is proud to be a Distinctively Christian Primary School

You can tell we are a Church school and are Distinctively Christian because……………..

  • We celebrate Collective Worship together
  • Our RE lessons help us to learn about Christianity and to think for ourselves
  • We celebrate Christian festivals together
  • We care for the world around us that God made
  • People from the church often lead our collective worship
  • We listen to stories from the Bible and talk about what they mean
  • We believe that Jesus is God’s son
  • We put our trust in others and we are trustworthy
  • There is a sense of peace and calm in our school
  • We show true friendship We are honest
  • We show forgiveness
  • We know that we are all unique and special
  • We support and help each other.
  • We try our best for ourselves and for others
  • We respect everyone
  • We raise money for those in need
  • We are tolerant and respectful towards the beliefs of others
  • We see ourselves a part of the KSM family.
  • We work together to make our community a better place to live, love and learn



The school aims to support each individual and encourage them to flourish. Pupils are encouraged to explore and develop their own values and beliefs (which may or may not be Christian), and to appreciate the richness and diversity of the world. This is coupled with the promotion (and modelling) of high standards of personal behaviour and positive, caring, attitudes - all based on a firm bedrock of Christian values.


Spiritual development cannot always be structured and opportunities may arise spontaneously out of the school day. A range of experiences and curriculum areas provide opportunities for spiritual development (eg. Circle Time, drama, PSHE, science, humanities, PE, music and RE.


Our spiritual development links closely with our Collective Worship and both support and complement each other. However, spiritual development permeates all of the work of the school.


Walking around the school we hope you will see:

  • A spark within us
  • An appreciation for ourselves, others and the world around us
  • A smile throughout our bodies
  • Individuals who form a loving community
  • A longing to continually grow and develop
  • People who help to make the world a better place
  • An openness to look beyond ourselves.

WIRE (Widening Inclusivity in RE) AWARD.
