Kington St Michael Church of England Primary School

Learning Together, aiming high

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Our School Governing Body.


Governors are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school. They are members of the school team and their contribution to the running of the school is highly valued.


School Governing Body

The instrument of government for Kington St Michael CE Primary School states that the governing body shall consist of:

  • 2 Staff governors
  • 2 Foundation Governors
  • 1 Local authority governor
  • 3 Parent governors
  • 2 Co-opted governors


The governing body meets as a full governing body at least one a term (six terms per annum).

There are two committees - Staffing & Curriculum (S&C) and Finance & Premises (F&P) which also meet five times a year as a combined meeting.

All governors sit on both committees.


The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Set the target for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of it's aims and objectives
  • Be a source of challenge and support to the head teacher (a critical friend)

Joanna Merry

Chair of Governors - Foundation Governor

Responsibilities / Committees:

Sits on all committees

Co-Chair of Governors 

Named Governor for: Equality & Diversity (including community cohesion)

Link Governor for: RE and Collective Worship, Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Music and Assessment

Date Appointed: 26.09.19

Term of Office: 26.09.23 - 25.09.27

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Current employment: Self-employed

Directorships: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year 2022 - 23 (FGB): 6 of 6


Kate Cavey

Head teacher

Responsibilities / Committees: Head teacher

Date Appointed: 01.09.19

Appointed by: GB / Ex-Officio

Term of Office: Duration of headship

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year 2022 - 23 (FGB): 6 of 6



Sara Pierson

Vice Chair of Governors - Parent Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: Sits on all committees

Named Governor for: Equality & Diversity (Including Community Cohesion) and Personal, Social, Health, Relationship, Sex & Economic Education (PSHRSE)

Link Governor for: Literacy, Mental Health & Wellbeing and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Date Appointed: 05/05/2023

Term of Office: 05/05/2023 - 04/05/2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Current Employment: Nationwide Building Society

Directorships: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended previous academic year 2022 - 2023 (FGB): 2 of 2

Tracy Hussey

Staff Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: Sits on all committees

Date Appointed: 28.09.22

Term of Office: 28.09.22 - 27.09.26

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Staff Member

Current Employment: Teacher at KSM school

Directorships: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year 2022 - 23 (FGB): 0 of 0


Robert Griffin

Co-Opted Governor

Responsibilities / Committees:

Sits on all committees, Chair of F&P Committee, Health and Safety

Named Governor for Health & Safety

Link Governor for Humanities, Art & DT, Attendance & Behaviour, Whistle Blowing and PE

Date Appointed: 22.05.19

Term of Office: 10.01.23 - 09.01.27

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Current Employment: Merlin Entertainments

Directorships: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year 2022 - 23 (FGB): 6 of 6


Andrea Bridle

LA Governor

Responsibilities / Committees:

Sits on all committees

Named Governor for: Safeguarding/Child Protection, Looked After Children, Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) and Pupil Premium

Date Appointed: 02.12.21

Term of Office: 02.12.21 - 01.12.25

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Current Employment: Retired

Directorships: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year 2022 - 23 (FGB): 6 of 6



Matthew Scarsbrook

Parent Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: Sits on all committees

Chair of S&C Committee

Named Governor for: Filtering & Monitoring

Link Governor for: ICT/Computing, Mathematics and Science

Date Appointed: 05/05/2023

Term of Office: 05/05/2023 - 04/05/2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None - spouse is a member of the Friends of KSM charity organisation

Current Employment: Self-employed

Directorships: None

Governance roles in other educational Institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year 2022 - 23 (FGB): 2 of 2



Michelle Hocking

Clerk to Governors

Minutes Full Governing Body meetings and provides administrative support, in addition to KSM 

Clerk at a Federation of two local authority primary schools, two multi-academy trusts (primary & Secondary schools), one standalone primary academy and a (4-19 years) special school



Former Governors in office during academic year 2023-2024:

Sarah Meleady - Co-Chair/Co-Opted Governor - Appointed 29.09.2015 Resigned 25.09.2023 Attendance  6 of 6 (2022/23).

Chris Southam - Parent Governor - Appointed 05.01.2022 Resigned 26.11.2023.  Attendance 6 of 6 (2022/23).



Former Governors in office during academic year 2022-2023:

Jessica Reay-Jones - Parent Governor - Appointed 24.01.2020 Resigned 11.10.2022 Attendance 5 of 6

Chris Ives - Chair of governors/Co-opted Governor - Appointed 22.09.2015 Resigned 28.09.2022 

Attendance 6 of 6 

Lisa Wells - Staff Governor 16/09/2019 resigned 28.09.2022  Attendance 6 of 6



Financial Information

Financial Information Please note that we do not have any employees with a gross annual salary of more than £100,000.


Please Click here to view our school's financial data on the Schools Financial Benchmarking Service.

Bybrook Benefice - Annual Report
