Kington St Michael Church of England Primary School

Learning Together, aiming high

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School Uniform

Our children are encouraged to be proud of being members of Kington St. Michael primary school and as such are expected to wear full school uniform every day.


We believe that wearing a school uniform helps to create a sense of community and belonging towards our school.

It promotes a sense of pride in our school.

It makes the children feel part of a team, a family.

It identifies the children in our school and supports our commitment to inclusion.

It prevent pupils from wearing ‘fashion clothes’ that can be a distraction in class.

It prevents competition between peers regarding who is wearing the latest branded fashionable clothing.

It is practical and smart.

It is good for your child’s self-esteem and can have a positive impact on the progress they make in school.


The school uniform colours are blue and grey.

Dark grey or black long school trousers or shorts.

Dark grey school skirt or dark grey pinafore.

Blue white checked pattern summer dress.

White polo shirt.

Royal blue school jumper or cardigan preferably with the school logo.

Grey, black or white socks or grey or black tights.

Black school shoes.


Jewellery, watches, hair ornaments and nail varnish.

For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery, as this may cause harm and injury, become lost or get broken. The exceptions to the rule are small, earring studs in pierced ears. These will need to be covered with surgical tape for all PE and sporting activities. Staff are not permitted to remove earrings so your child will be asked to remove jewellery deemed inappropriate.

Wrist watches may be worn in class, providing they do not become a distraction as many of the ‘Fitbit’ type watches are prone to.

Hair bands, bobbles or bows should be plain and simple.

Nail varnish should not be worn to school. 

For hygiene, health and safety reasons, we advise that long hair needs to be tied back.


PE Kit Uniform

For indoor PE lessons, the children should wear shorts, (Navy blue or black) and a plain t-shirt (in their House colour). This also helps our pupils to look smart when involved in PE activities out of school.

They will need a tracksuit or a warm fleecy top and joggers for outdoor P.E. (Navy blue or black)

All pupils will need outdoor trainers suitable for use on the field and playground. Daps are not needed as the children do gymnastics and apparatus indoors with bare feet.

We kindly ask you to provide a PE kit for your child in school uniform colours and try to avoid trendy, logo branded kits.

P.E. kit should be kept in a small bag, so that it will fit on the school pegs.

Large bags are not required and take up a lot of space. These are trip hazards if left on the floor in cloakrooms.


For wintertime, a warm, waterproof coat is essential, plus a hat and gloves (any colour and style),

Wellington boots are needed for walks and playing on the school field.

In the summer, we strongly recommend children have a soft brimmed sunhat readily available.

All children will also require a school book bag. 


All uniform needs to be clearly labelled.

We have a huge amount of uniform in our lost property box in the school foyer, mostly without labels. Please have a look and see if it belongs to your child.


Pre-loved Uniform

You are able to purchase pre-loved uniform from our Friends committee directly on SCOPAY.  Once you have placed your order on SCOPAY the school office will forward any orders placed to Friends at the end of the week and will get the stock ready and drop the order in to the school office the following week.


If you need any help with buying school uniform please just phone or email the school office.

Items of uniform are available to buy at Scholars Chippenham—01249 656600


The school uniform colours are blue and grey.

Our school badge, a crown, appears on some of these items.

Children will also need sports kits for outdoor games (t-shirts, shorts, daps and trainers).

For indoor PE lessons, the children wear shorts and a plain t-shirt (in their House colour).

For winter time, a warm coat is essential, plus a hat and gloves (any colour and style), and a tracksuit for outdoor P.E.

P.E. kit should be kept in a small bag so that it will fit on the school pegs.

In the Summer, we strongly recommend children have a sunhat readily available.

Wellington boots are needed in the winter for walks and play on the school field.

When buying school uniform, please try to choose items that your child can manage themselves—especially shoes! And please remember to label all clothing clearly.

All children will also require a book bag. 

Items of uniform (as listed below) are available to buy at :

Scholars, The Causeway, Chippenham—01249 656600


Sweatshirts……………………………………….£10.50 - £12.50

White Polo Shirts..……………………………... £7.50
Cardigans……………………………………..….£12.50 - £14.50
Mistral Jacket....………………………………….£22.50
Book Bags………...……………..…….……….. £7.50
PE House T - Shirt ………………………...…...£6.50

Plimsolls ..........................................................£7.00
